Saturday, May 28, 2016

Breaking the Monotonous Everyday Routine

Hi there! I'm back to the blogosphere and I miss this thing. My last blog was about saying goodbye to 2011 and welcoming 2012. Back then, it was on 2012 when I decided to enrol law school and everything has changed. Being a public servant and a law student is not an easy task. Working during daytime and reading books during nighttime is my usual Monday to Friday routine. Weekends are spent at school attending classes. For this, I haven't post in my blog up to this date.

But hey! It's 2016 and I am here trying to write something because life is getting monotonous. Yes! It's a monotonous life because when routine starts to take over in our daily life, we may feel boredom. We are no longer inspired or motivated in what we are doing. Boredom usually reminds us that we need refreshment, or more creation and do more of what excite us the most.

Good thing, a friend of mine challenged me on Facebook to a 7-day photo challenge where I have to post every day for 7 days one compelling image that I took of something nature related. And I think it would be feasible to do it by wandering, exploring and experiencing what the nature has to offer. And another good thing, a friend of mine invited me to join her group tour at the Leyte's Crown Jewel. I'm not a photographer and not a backpacker but this is a perfect timing to break the monotonous everyday routine.

So, set back and relax as we travel to Kalanggaman Island, Palompon, Leyte. This is not the typical how-to-go-to-the-island or travel-guide-and-tips blog as there are number of bloggers who wrote about it. But I rather focus on our fun wayfaring to the island. 

Kalanggaman Island is located in the Municipality of Palompon, Leyte. Before boarding the boat going to the island, I had a chance to take pose at the colorful 3D Letters located at the right side of the Municipal Tourism Office. At this point, preliminary photo op had started since the rest of the group were busy taking selfie. In my case, I prefered to take limited number of shots because I need to conserve the battery life of my camera. Remember, the island has no electricity. Meanwhile, the rest of the group were busy preparing our foods and other basic necessities needed in the island for our overnight stay.

The boat ride going to the island from Palompon port took 45 minutes. We savor the moment during the ride because everyone was overwhelmed as we approach the island. Everyone was excited to step on the pristine shore of powdery white sand which extends from one sandbar to the other sandbar, to inhale the cool breeze of fresh air, to swim in the turquoise sea and crystal clear invigorating water, to look up at the relaxing cerulean sky.  And it never fails to amaze us. No doubt that Kalanggaman Island is getting all the attention as a top summer island getaway in recent years.

We arrived at the island around 11AM. To our great surprise, the island was filled with considerable number of tourists sitting under the shade of trees as the sun gets high and hot. Some were swimming and doesn't care about the heat. Tents were already assembled. And there were no vacant cottage. Then we look for a place to put up our tents so that we can secure our things and enjoyed our lunch. I'd like to mention the black water container as shown in the above picture. Where one group tried to claim it. The water in that container is used for cleansing your body after you swim at the salt water. So be sure to keep an eye on it if you are already in the island.

The highlight of this trip is to enjoy the water. Once you started swimming, you'll feel that you would not want to get out of the water because it was so inviting. Take many selfie you as you want. Having an underwater camera can add to the fun experience. But be sure not to forget that there are stricted area in the island where swimming is not allowed due to strong current.  

Going to the island is not all about the beach. Kalanggaman Island is also the best place to chase the sunset. It gives you the opportunity of unobstructed view of dramatic sunset. Stunning view that you will surely strike a pose and play with your silhouette. Of course, I'd like to commend my photographers for the awesome shots who also dares to pose showcasing their perfect body.

As the sky gets dusk, many were still swimming. Other prepared their food for dinner and ate. But the 4 of us preferred to stay in the water until 10pm and listen to the stories of JaDine. Anyway, my two friends are die hard fan. Even during the night, you will appreciate the clear water as you can still visibly view your feet under 4ft level of water. But the most memorable moment was lying on the sand while watching  the bright moon and cloud formation, listening to the musical sound of water, and there are some stars too, until I fell asleep. The night was magical where you can experience tranquil and serene nature.

The sun sets, the moon appears and fades. And it's time to catch the sun rises from the mountainous range of Leyte. You will witness another scenic view of the sun worthy as a pre-nup shots. This time, I walk alone along the soft white sand to capture these photos. But the 2 JaDine fans were able to catch me up. And they took some awesome shots too.

We submerged to the water for awhile, sip hot coffee enough as breakfast, prepare to leave the island and did the pre-departure picture. That's how we end the Kalanggaman Island tour. But oops! there's more. We had a side trip to Lake Danao located at Ormoc City, Leyte where we had our lunch then finally leave Leyte via Ocean Jet to Cebu.

Finally, I'd like to thank you guys for the company. Though we came from different places yet we enjoyed each other's company. To the person who organize this trip, our great appreciation to the effort you have exerted to come up with successful one. Thank you and until next trip. As promised, I'll be the one to hold your phone to capture some amazing picture of yours in our next journey.

That's it, I have achieved the 7 photos for 7 days nature photo challenge and successfully break the monotonous everyday routine. Congrats to myself!

PS: I have videos but are not worthy to share due to bad videography. I'll practice making videos so that I can post some amazing one.